Join us

Come and join us for some great times.
We have players aged from 16 to their 80s.

Members can play any time the lawns are not used for competitive play.

We have a special offer for members new to croquet. The fee for the first year is $80, this includes levies to the Canterbury Croquet Association and the national body (Croquet New Zealand). There are also special rates for youth and full-time students.

We can lend you a mallet until you are ready to buy your own. We supply the lawns, hoops and balls. All you need to do is bring yourself with comfortable shoes (no high heels).

Come to our clubrooms and pick up a membership application form or download one below.

After we receive your membership application it will go to the committee for acceptance.  When it has been accepted we will ask you to pay the subscription and levies. The usual committee meeting date is the second Wednesday of each month.

Casual play for non UCC members, the green fees payable are –
 - CNZ affiliated visitors – $5 per half day or part thereof.
 - Non NZ or otherwise affiliated visitors – $10 per half day or part thereof.
From May to August, to limit lawn usage during winter, casual play is not available to CCA affiliated members from other clubs.

Download a membership application form